Friday, December 26, 2008

Resting in ICU

Mark's surgery went very well today. The surgeon confirmed that Mark was born with a bicuspid valve rather than the tri that 95% of us have. The flaps were folded over, contributing to the severe leakage and explaining his difficulty with cardio related activities. He now has a nice new valve which will improve his quality of life markedly.

The surgery was 3 hours from when they wheeled him away from me until I was talking with the surgeon.

He is resting now in ICU and progressing very well according to his nurse.

My sister and brother-in-law drove in last evening which was a nice pre-op distraction for us and I've been in her capable hands all day.

Thank you for your love and prayers,


jaysonwithaY said...

Paula and Mark,
You are in our thoughts. Thank you for the updates Mark, a relative, this sheds some light on what I can look forward to!

Love, Jayson and Heather Delisle

Theresa York said...

Mark and Paula,

I was shocked to learn of your situation yesterday, but glad to see you are doing as well as can be expected. Several years ago, I was told that I needed a valve replacement surgery. This was discovered through an echo. I met with a cardiovascular surgeon who agreed with the diagnosis. I did all the preparation for the surgery, and was ready to do it- new scar and all. I went to Heart Hospital at Baylor Plano. I was wheeled into surgery after saying goodbye to my husband and very scared parents (they've been through this with me once before, 33 years ago) Next thing I know I was waking up and they told me that they didn't do the surgery. They did a TEE first and from that, Dr. Ryan concluded that, while I do have a severe pulmonic leak, it did not warrant having surgery at this time. I will eventually have to have it replaced, but hopefully not too soon. I was kind of mad that they put me through all that, but relieved that they didn't cut me open for no reason. I can empathize with what you are all going through. I remember what a scary time it was for me, but it was honestly worse for my family. My poor mother got shingles from the stress of the whole ordeal. I still feel the guilt from that! I pray that you continue to recover well. Wait until you go to cardiac rehab. You'll probably be the youngest one there! Good luck with your recovery, and I look forward to hearing good news from you. Theresa York