Thursday, December 4, 2008

Test me some more?

Now that its been determined my valve needs replaced I have to decide on a surgeon and there are of course more tests. I have had these tests before but again, my doctor wants his own data and tests.

This time I need to have a Heart Catheterization (I think that's a word). That means the cut a hole in your groin to get to a big artery and go exploring. The reason is, "we" want to make sure there isn't anything else we need to do while we are in there changing the valve. I am pretty sure its a waste of time since my last one when hospitalized showed no blockage, but its prudent. Its not that tough of a procedure except I reported at 7:00 am and I don't do anything well at 7:00 am.

When they are in there, exploring my heart's arteries they discover I am plumbed wrong. I don't have typical arteries feeding the heart fact they have enough concerns about the plumbing, I get to do another test! Cardiac CT!

The issue is when you are plumbed wrong you might have two arteries crossing each other. In certain circumstances one artery can cut off the blood supply to the other. Viola', heart attack. So the Cat scan can help confirm that the rear of the heart is fine and verify or confirm there are no crossovers.

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