Friday, December 19, 2008

Post-op Projections

I talked to my surgeon's admin who is great by the way (especially if I get my anesthesiologist). I wanted to know what to expect post op.

First, I will be "up and around" immediately. These days you're walking around the floor ASAP. Dr.'s orders. The hospital stay should be four days without complications.

Recovery varies but my surgeon's test is if you can make a mile walking in less than 30 minutes you are cleared for regular activity. It takes up to 90 days for the breast bone to heal but you can get on with your life long before that. I keep wondering about driving, or riding in a car. If you were to be in a frontal collision, the seat belts and airbags could wreak havoc. I guess I will be the one driving around town backwards.

The surgeons office will be responsible for my post op care and my pain meds. Its probably a good time to buy Vicodin stock as I don't plan on scimping. Actually, you do have to be careful with addiction so I will move to alcahol as soon as I can...

So, recovery is pretty much up to me, and the admin says that the better shape I am in going in...the better my recovery will be coming out...uh oh. That's how this all started!? I am in the worst shape of my life right now...


Unknown said...

Having been through a major surgery myself, I can assure you - you will be working towards that 1 mile in 30 minutes pretty aggressively. And I'm sure you will come out of this better than ever. Wake up calls at 50 (or 40 in my case) make for a longer and happier life.
Good Luck, our hopes and prayers are with you!
Oh yea, try to have a Merry Christmas in the mean time.
Joe, Helen and William

Pattiwrites said...

Great Blog, Mark. Keep my subscription. And I'm with you on the guy who administers and monitors the happy juice. I hope the admin as magical as she seems.

You'll do great, and recover soon. After all, we have Somalian pirates to deal with.

You've got a world of people behind you, plus, most important of all, the "classy, beautiful Paula." :) Patti

Unknown said...

Things I thought to be true before reading this blog:
1) only very old men with curves in their backs had heart attacks; NOT my mom's baby brother.
2) blogging is a right reserved for pre-pubescent fans of the Jonas brothers and Brittany Spears.
3) Doctors didn't work the week of a holiday.
4) when discussing heart surgery it is common protocol for a small group of concerned parties to gather in a corner and whisper about the patient's "spell". When the patient enters said room with corner, all parties should disburse like cockroaches in a newly lit room and appear to be busy or at least overwhelmingly joyous for no apparent reason.

SO... thank you for a copious amount of myth busting concerning heart attacks, surgery, blogging, and even the new wave of sending support and warm wishes.
May your holiday season be filled with IV bags of "the good stuff", and your new year full of 30minute miles.
I look forward to reading more :)
With love
your niece-