Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Run of Bad Days

Hi All -

Unfortunately, but to be expected I understand, the last few days have been those proverbial bad days for Mark. Nothing to be alarmed about, we've been in touch with his surgeon, changed up his meds a bit, have figured out how to make him more comfortable at night, etc. He did get his walking in today and seemed to rest more comfortably than he had been.

He asked that I update you to say that he's looking forward to updating you further as soon as his energy returns a bit.



Anonymous said...

I am praying for those "baby steps" of progress to come your way. Love you both much...

Michael Furrh said...

One day at a time taking steps in the right direction. I hope these meds work better for you. I am prying for you and I love you both. I hope you are more comfortable through out the rest of your recovery.
Your Friend

Pattiwrites said...

Big hugs,huge prayers, positive thoughts. Please know that no matter what you need, it's yours. And know how much love and support is being sent your way.