Monday, January 12, 2009

Two weeks and two days...

Most of the tape goo on my body is finally gone. My meds count keeps coming down and I generally sleep pretty well. I was able to move back to the bed this weekend with a normal compliment of pillows.

I am getting lots of rest, to the point of boredom. I think I am starting to build a tolerance for the Percoset, as my aches and pains seem to linger. Paula is getting closer to weaning me off her care and leaving me at home for longer periods of time.

I will be transitioning from walking around the house to working on the treadmill...because you cant stop me, you can only hope to contain me...


Pattiwrites said...

Yeah for Mark!

Anonymous said...

You go get 'em tiger! Just don't multi-task while on the treadmill. I've had a couple of close-calls attempting to do that.