Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I drove home!

I had my last appointment with the surgeon yesterday! He cleared me to drive, waived off the cardiac rehab, and suggested a heating pad for my back. ( Not too sure about that one...).

My pill count went down again and my real challenge is to keep my blood pressure under 130. I can exercise to my heart's content as long as I don't lift anything over 20 lbs for 2 more months. Basically the recommendation is walking and more walking.

He felt that those topical treatments for the scar are a waste of time. The heart pounding I hear will go away in a couple of months, and I don't need to see him for a year.

If my back didn't hurt so much I would be feeling like things couldn't have gone any better.

This Friday marks four weeks since surgery. My next appointment is with the cardiologist next week.


Pattiwrites said...

WOW--you are superman!

You go, Mark! WooHOO.

Sara Renfrow said...

Awesome news! You never realize how much you miss the little things like driving until you're not allowed to do them.